Rev. Nikhil Ujjain Goda€?s chosen vessel to lead the body of Christ into Goda€?s anointed ministry that is a€?THE LORDa€?S POWER MINISTRIESa€? the name of the ministry was informed by the fact that it takes the power of God to bring total transformation.
He had a severe back pain in 2006 and after receiving his healing from Jesus Christ, then he believe that Jesus Christ is true God and he gave his life to him completely.
God gave a divine call to Rev. Nikhil Ujjain to lead the perishing souls to the true love of Jesus Christ through heart searching ministry through preaching and healing wonders and signs. Rev. Nikhil Ujjain is a young and dynamic evangelist,
who has been impacting the lives of many people. His zeal to introduce Christ to all, drives him to come up with innovative means to appeal to non believers, which leaves those who believe to do some soul searching as well.
Rev. Nikhil Ujjain is a gifted evangelist Leader, an inspiring preacher and a talented young man who gives his all, to glorify Almighty God.
Rev. Nikhil Ujjain is married to Putul sushma a women of faith, who makes home along with a wonderful partnership for a successful ministry.